Back to Work Stress

Big changes to our routine can be alarming to our bodies and mind but CBD can help make the transition easier.
By Pure Spectrum Team

Millions of people are either back at the office or preparing to return. That change can bring with it heightened levels of stress and anxiety. Luckily, people have found that CBD offers all kinds of benefits to help get them through the workday!

Whether it be figuring out who will watch the kids, anxiety over getting sick, or searching for a new job entirely – studies have shown CBD can aid in a number of ways that could make everyday just a little bit easier!

1. Anxiety

Anxiety can be a constant weight on you at the office and can prevent you from being productive. Chronic anxiety can even lead to serious health conditions if not treated. For those who suffer from social anxiety, heading back to the office may not be as welcome a situation as it is for others. A number of studies have shown that cannabidiol alleviates this type of stress in those surveyed – especially when it comes to speaking in or to groups of people in a workplace setting.

2. Focus and Motivation 

Many of the workers who have spent a portion of the last year working from home, have figured out their new routines and schedules. Going from Zoom calls in between taking care of kids and other tasks around the house, to a power suit and in-person meetings, can be jarring for some. Because stress, depression and anxiety can also hinder your focus and motivation – research shows cannabidiol can help give you that boost you need – by addressing these other factors that can sap you of your drive. 

3. Sleep 

In a study by The Permanente Journal, nearly 70% of participants in a sleep study reported improved quality of sleep and decreased levels of anxiety when using cannabidiol. This is consistent with many other studies showing CBD’s ability to help you get to sleep, and sleep more deeply. A good night’s rest is not just something your mom told you was necessary to perform at a high level. Sleep is crucial for our mood, critical thinking skills and ability to function at a high level at work. 

What Now?

Workers who are concerned about heading back to the office don’t need to fear the workday anymore! Big changes to our routine can be alarming to our bodies and mind but CBD can help make the transition easier. Giving both what they need to perform and recover, could be your ticket to ensuring this transition is a smooth one. Luckily, there’s all sorts of great brands to choose from. Learn more about the next step to CBD relief here!

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